November 10, 2009


Warning. This post may be cheesy. It's all true sincerity though. It's goodness.

This one time, this summer, I studied abroad. I was in Rome for four weeks, Athens for one week and Switzerland/Venice/Paris for a week. It was an incredible experience. I learned more in the those six weeks than I ever thought I would! More than I ever had in six other weeks in my life.

I could really go on and on about the things I learned. The places I went. The food I ate. Etc. Etc.
But for my gratitude post today, I will say this:
I am grateful to not be in a long distance relationship.
I am grateful I get to see that boy every day! We haven't missed a day since I saw him at the airport on August 18th, welcoming me home from my trip.
I am grateful that we don't have to rely so much on the World Wide Web, just on Face-to-Face communication. It's the best kind, just so you know.
And I am grateful for these lyrics by an amazing artist {who I wish I could have play at my wedding} Kalai.

"In these crazy days, far away as you are, you will be my only one. So when everyone doubts and I am living without, you give me everything I need. And the one I lack, you can give me right back. When you tell me you're happy and you tell I'm kind. You tell me your faithful, and I trust that you're mine. After the laughter but before the storm, I can breathe easier, I can stay warm loving you. Loving you. Loving you. Baby, I'm loving you now."

GREAT lyrics. SO cute too. Obviously.

I have a distinct memory to do with this song. I was on a ferry ride in Greece. We had just gone from Athens to visit a little island close by. I sat on the top as the wind was blowing through my hair and the song was playing on my ipod. Of course I thought of T the whole time. I remember missing him a lot. I remember thinking of my love for him. And I remember being really excited to see him once again. I also remember just feeling so blessed, because having that experience in Europe taught me SO much. Like I said before.
It also really strengthened my relationship with T. Which is now short-distance, thankfully. We've come a long ways together! I know that will benefit us a lot in our marriage. We have a tight bond. We're best friends. Seriously.
He's the one I want to turn to when I am sad.
He's the one I want to tell when I trip up the stairs on campus numerous times in one day.
He's the one I want to make plans with.
The one I want to have adventures with.
The one I want to grow old with.

He's such a cool cat. Really. I'm lucky! What an excellent future husband I'll be inheriting.
I'm excited.
I'm happy.
I'm blessed.
I'm grateful. For T.
I knew I'd write a gratitude post on him sooner or later, but I didn't know it'd be quite like this. So here it is. Take it or leave it.
I'll take it. And one fantastic fiance, please. :)

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